#Rainy Day In September by Side #A little Jazzy Tune I cooked u #MED3.22 abandoned September 14 #Pump it but it'snot Techno,Hou Keys&StringLead1 Keys&Voice2 Piano-n-Strings1 WarmTouch1 WarmTouch2 Keys&StringLead2 and another blank one...hmm let #Greetings go to Blackflagiiii, #Arto,Teijo,Tom,Owlman(retracta #any other lifeforms I run in c #with...To contact me write * E PANMALLET1 #8611 Cape Valley San Antonio T #U.S.A. BLLLL!!! EndOfTransmiss Hi-Hat1 HiFunk1 WaterDrops RainyDayInSeptember* By SideWinde